
Ni18n config vs i18next config

The config schema used by ni18n is similar to the one used by i18next, but with slight differences listed below.




can be used to load plugins into i18next



you can still pass it in, but it will be ignored



you can set it to false if needed



will respect if you set it to true in case suspense is enabled

Changing the default translation files location

In order to change the location or schema of the files, simply pass the backend.loadPath option with the relative path to your files. You can use the placeholders {{lng}} and {{ns}} to replace the language and namespace respectively.

An example can be seen on the custom-location. Where we use ./public/custom/{{lng}}.{{ns}}.json to match files that reside in the same level regarding language and namespace.

Using Plugins

To use a plugin you can take advantage of the use option on the config. It will accept an array of plugins, you can pass any value that i18n.use() also accepts. The plugins will then be added to the i18n instance we create. Remember to also add any configuration required by the plugins you are using.

You can check the custom-backend example config where we use a HTTP backend to load the translation files instead of the default filesystem backend.

Note: If you pass any backend plugin to the use option, the default filesystem backend will be overwritten.

Loading translations on client side using HTTP/Other

Support for client loaded translations is baked in and should not require many changes from your side.

Caching translations on the frontend

As show in the cached-translations, you can use the Chained backend to create a cache layer that will be used in case files were previously downloaded on a specific client.

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