
Generate transition strings without repetitive typing.

This function allows you to have a default timing function and duration over your entire app, while still allowing for customized values when needed.


import { generateTransition } from 'style-genie'

const transition = generateTransition()

transition() // 'all 250ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)'


The generateTransition function accepts only one options parameter used to set the default values. It can have the following properties.

Default options

  duration: 250,
  easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)',

Custom defaults

You can define you own defaults but passing the options object into the generate function.

const transition = generateTransition({ duration: 1000, easing: 'ease-in' })

transition() // 'all 1000ms ease-in'

Transition function

The transition is the result of the generator function. You have to call it to get an actual transition string as output and it can be used throughout your app.

If called without parameters it will return the default values as shown above, but it can accept up to three parameters, cssProperties, duration, easing.

Custom overrides

You can override the default options in any call to the transition function. It will automatically joins two or more transitions if they are present.

transition('color', 150, 'ease-out')
// 'color 150ms ease-out'
transition(['color', 'top'], 150, 'ease-out')
// 'color 150ms ease-out, top 150ms ease-out'

You may also input the timing function as the second parameter, doing so will use the default duration.

transition('height', 'linear')
// 'height 250ms linear'
transition(['height', 'margin-left'], 'linear')
// 'height 250ms linear, margin-left 250ms linear'

Last updated